You need to have enough courage to break away from the herd-mentality thinking. Following the crowd and doing what everyone else doing is hands down the worst way to live your life.
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7 Real Reasons Why Splenda Is Bad For You
Sucralose, also known as Splenda, has made a huge jump in use in recent years. The stuffing of those little yellow packets can be found in everything from diet sodas, protein bars, and juice boxes. People with diabetes and those wanting to dodge sugar and carbohydrates for other reasons go for the artificial sweetener. I […]
Get Jacked, and I Don’t Mean on Coffee
Do you feel worn out, do you feel tired? Put down that gallon of coffee. It does not matter who you are -teacher, entrepreneur, CEO, stay-at-home-mom, or dad - some days you just need to get jacked up for your day. Here is a great video of Ray Lewis NFL linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens. […]
I want to be AWESOME, but how do I do it?
Do you hate your Average life? Be AWESOME! Say it with me: “I AM AWESOME!”
Dont Have Time To Read, You Can Listen!
OSR 029: Positive Thinking with Taylor Lapidus December 23, 2021
OSR 028: Eating Raw Could Change Your Life With Brad Gruno December 17, 2021
Building a High-Performance Brain With Brain foods and Smart Drugs December 16, 2021
OSR 027: Simple Healthy Habits Makes Huge Results December 16, 2021
OSR 026: Personal Change Comes At A Cost December 9, 2021
OSR 008: Jordan Hart, Author Of Steel Rainbow, Shares His Life Story June 24, 2021
OSR 010: Navy Seal & Medal of Honor Recipient, Michale Thornton July 4, 2021
OSR 006: The Bulletproof Exuctive Dave Asprey talkes about Bulletproof coffee, sleep, and hacking the body June 7, 2021
OSR 004: pt.1 How to Meet New Connections & Meetup Tips. May 23, 2021
OSR 002: What Fear is holding you back from Success? May 3, 2021